- Version
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- File Size 480.92 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date September 19, 2023
- Last Updated May 28, 2024
Wholesale For WooCommerce v2.4.0
Version 2.4.0RELEASED ON 2024-05-21
- Min Order Total on Cart.
- Display Wholesale Prices to Non-logged-in users.
- Option to disable the Strike Through price.
- Integration with reCaptcha for WooCommerce .
- Integrated Google reCaptcha V2 and V3.
- C4WP Integration modified.
- Display Wholesale Price with and without tax on shop and cart/checkout page.
- Step Quantity was dependent on Enforce Minimum Quantity rules.
Version 2.3.0RELEASED ON 2023-12-20
- Added REST API endpoints.
- Admin emails Recipient(s)
- Settings to make the Registration Field Required or Optional.
- WooCommerce Currency Switcher Compatibility Hook.
- Declared compatibility with the cart/checkout Blocks.
- Declared compatibility with HPOS.
- Localize all strings for translations.
- Minicart pricing issue.
- PHP warnings when upgrade user to wholesaler role.
- Extra fields not saving in woocommerce order.
- Form builder stuck on loading when enter inline style or HTML tags.