- Version
- Download 1282
- File Size 4.39 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date September 27, 2023
- Last Updated November 15, 2023
Smart Slider 3 PRO v3.5.1.21 - 2023.11.10.
- Fix: WP Compress compatibility.
- Fix: Our widget won't render, when the theme doesn't supports it.
- Fix: Post meta comparison does not work with 'exists' or 'not exists' compare method.
- Fix: Randomize first causes PHP error, when a slider doesn't have any slides.
- Fix: Ignite gallery generator has an error with SVG images.
- Fix: WordPress sanitization removes groupping from multi select lists, for example from Custom posts generator's taxonomies.
- Fix: Firefox cannot handle the background parallax without lagging, so we won't use this feature in Firefox browsers anymore.
- Fix: YouTube layer's video won't start on mobiles when the video is started before the page completely loaded.
- Fix: Row and Column background colors can create an error message in PHP 8.1+, when their color codes only contain numbers.
- Fix: The path of some images created PHP errors.
- Fix: iOS devices opened parent element links twice, when a text layer was clicked on them.
- Feature: Iframe Title option for Vimeo layer.
- Other: Black Friday sale notification added.
- Other: Spanish translation update. Thanks Rodrigo!
- Removed: A fix for an old Safari bug won't be needed anymore, as it got resolved quite a while ago.
- Removed: Joomla Module layer got deprecated in Joomla 4 and 5. – 14. AUGUST 2023
- Fix: Some WordPress 6.3 block theme editors (site editor, widget manager or page editor) won’t load next to Smart Slider.