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  • Download 1471
  • File Size 6.53 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date July 21, 2023
  • Last Updated June 7, 2024

Unlimited Elements for Elementor Pro (Premium) v1.5.110


version 1.5.110: 2024-06-04

Plugin Changes:

* Fix: remote arrows was sendin next/prev commands twice
* Fix: fix some password protected content related security issue

Widgets Changes:

* Feature: Email Field (Pro) - Added Asterisk Size option, allowing customization of asterisk size for better design flexibility and emphasis.
* Feature: Phone Field (Pro) - Added Asterisk Size option, allowing customization of asterisk size for better design flexibility and emphasis.
* Feature: Event List (Pro) - Added Timezone option, ensuring that expired and upcoming events are counted according to the specified timezone for accurate event scheduling and display.
* Feature: Number Field (Pro) - Added "Limit Number of Digits" option, allowing users to restrict the number of digits displayed for better control and readability of numerical data.
* Feature: Phone Field (Pro) - Added "Limit Number of Digits" option, allowing users to restrict the number of digits displayed for better control and readability of numerical data.
* Feature: Transparent Split Hero (Free) - Added options to enable or disable widget contents like title, subtitle, etc., and introduced an option to add an image or logo for greater customization and flexibility.
* Feature: Unlimited Charts (Pro) - Added Line Chart Background Color option, allowing customization of the background color for line charts to enhance visual appeal.
* Fix: Submit Button (Free) - Added validation function for the phone field to ensure correct email format and improve data accuracy.
* Fix: Mega Menu (Pro) - Added fix for layout issue that sometimes occurs after page load, ensuring consistent and stable page rendering.
* Fix: Post Carousel (Pro) - Set padding to 0 in Nav Dots to avoid default CSS overrides, ensuring consistent and desired styling.
* Fix: Semi Circle Progress Bar (Pro) - Added support for Mega Slider widget, enabling the creation and display of Semi Circle Progress Bar widget in interactive sliders for enhanced content presentation.
* Fix: Floating Chat Buttons (Pro) - Fixed Pulse Animation Grabber Type issue, ensuring correct animation behavior and improved visual effects.
* Fix: Content Tabs (Free) - Added a small delay before widget initialization to ensure the Content Tabs widget works properly within other widgets, improving overall functionality and integration.
* Fix: Remote Tabs (Pro) - Changed selector for padding option to resolve issue where link was not clicked when tab was clicked, improving click response accuracy.
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