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  • Create Date December 27, 2023
  • Last Updated May 10, 2024

Divi Extra v4.25.1

version 4.25.1 ( updated 05-07-2024 )
- Security Update: Fixed a stored XSS vulnerability that could allow users with the Contributor role or above to execute unfiltered HTML via the Divi Countdown module using encoded HTML saved in the WordPress post editor.
- Security Update: Fixed a stored XSS vulnerability that could allow users with the Contributor role or above to execute unfiltered HTML via the Divi Responsive Content script using encoded HTML saved in the WordPress post editor.
- Updated Divi AI page creation card styles to avoid confusion with the Use Existing Page card that shard a similar style.
	* ai-app/build/et-ai-app.bundle.css
	* ai-app/build/et-ai-app.bundle.js
	* ai-app/images/card-1.png
	* ai-app/images/card-1.svg
	* ai-app/images/card-2.png
	* ai-app/images/card-2.svg
	* ai-app/images/card-3.png
	* ai-app/images/card-3.svg
	* includes/builder/core.php
	* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/js/countdown_timer.js
	* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
	* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
	* includes/builder/functions.php
	* includes/builder/images/layout-insert-build-with-ai.svg
	* includes/builder/images/layout-insert-saved-layout.svg
	* includes/builder/languages/ar.po
	* includes/builder/languages/bg_BG.po
	* includes/builder/languages/cs_CZ.po
	* includes/builder/languages/da_DK.po
	* includes/builder/languages/de_DE.po
	* includes/builder/languages/el.po
	* includes/builder/languages/en_US.po
	* includes/builder/languages/es_ES.po
	* includes/builder/languages/fi.po
	* includes/builder/languages/fr_FR.po
	* includes/builder/languages/he_IL.po
	* includes/builder/languages/hu_HU.po
	* includes/builder/languages/id_ID.po
	* includes/builder/languages/it_IT.po
	* includes/builder/languages/ja.po
	* includes/builder/languages/ko_KR.po
	* includes/builder/languages/ms_MY.po
	* includes/builder/languages/nb_NO.po
	* includes/builder/languages/nl_NL.po
	* includes/builder/languages/pl_PL.po
	* includes/builder/languages/pt_BR.po
	* includes/builder/languages/ro_RO.po
	* includes/builder/languages/ru_RU.po
	* includes/builder/languages/sk_SK.po
	* includes/builder/languages/sr_RS.po
	* includes/builder/languages/sv_SE.po
	* includes/builder/languages/th.po
	* includes/builder/languages/tl.po
	* includes/builder/languages/tr_TR.po
	* includes/builder/languages/uk.po
	* includes/builder/languages/vi.po
	* includes/builder/languages/zh_CN.po

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