- Version
- Download 502
- File Size 8.61 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date September 10, 2023
- Last Updated January 28, 2024
Booknetic v3.8.16
v3.8.16 Beta– 23 Jan 24
- Fixed issue with Google Calendar and "waiting" appointments
- Fixed issue with Customer Panel error
- Fixed issue with sign up
- Fixed issue with services list view
- Fixed issue with creating appointment without filling required field from admin dashboard
- Fixed issue with Reports chart in Mozilla browser
- Phone number validation length is changed to minium 7 and maximum 15;
- Added Thai language to Invoice;
- Addded shortcode for time restriction to change appointments;
- Added possibility to delete extra service category;
v3.8.14 – 08 Jan 24
- Fixed issue with timeslot length.
- Fixed issue with "Allow admins to book outside working hours"
- Fixed issue with Canceled appointments synchronization Google Calendar.
- Fixed issue with Mollie blank popup if payment is not successful.
- Improved phone number input validation
- Added ability to hide WordPress button for Staff in User role manager.
v3.8.12– 15 Dec 23
- Hide the number of available slots.
- Skip the month if the timeslot is not available in the booking panel;
- Issue with Booknetic and Woocommerce order details translation;
- Added synchronization of the relevant appointments that were created before Google Calendar activation;
- Added the {appointment_total_attendees} shortcode to show the total number of customers in an appointment;
- {appointment_brought_people} is changed to show only the brought people count;
- The conditional price in the confirmation step is highlighted.
- All group appointments in the calendar are synchronized to the Google Calendar.
- Updated currencies;
- Added autologin after the sign-up confirmation step;
- Added a shortcode for the appointment end date;
- "Allow admins to book outside working hours" permission is added to the User Role Manager;
- Added more time period options for the service "Time Slot Length";
v3.8.10– 01 Dec 23
- Fixed issue with Conditional prices and Coupons;
- Fixed issue with the service image not loading in the payment link;
- Fixed issue with double email notifications;
- Fixed issue with conversion tracking and pre-selected booking steps;
- Fixed issue with group booking and steps’ order;
- Fixed issue with Rating&Reviews "Back to homepage" button;
- Fixed issue with “Please fill all the required fields" when using Custom Form’s “hidden” and “required” properties simultaneously;
- Fixed issue with Custom Statuses and default appointment setting;
- Fixed issue with Reports module “Most earning locations".
- Added default time schedule in the business hours from 9 am to 6 pm;
- Added “has a match” operator to the conditional prices;
- Added parent redirect within iframe booking panel.