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  • Create Date November 27, 2023
  • Last Updated November 27, 2023

JustFans v6.5.0

[11/5/2023] v6.5.0

* Added a new admin option, allowing to set currency position across the website
* Added a new admin option, allowing user impersonation when viewing the user table
* Added a new admin option, allowing owners to set custom global site timezone
* Added a new admin option that can enable an attachments count label for PPV posts
* Fixed an issue where ID verification image thumbnails would be broken on the admin side
* Fixed an issue where the hidden tax field wouldn't show up for the admin taxes module
* Fixed a bug where pinned posts would get higher sort order on the feed page
* Fixed a few RTL-version-related issues with the contact and public page templates
* Fixed some CCBill-related issues, where in some cases, renewals were getting expiration dates
* Fixed a bug where the latest media profile widget would include un-approved posts media
* Fixed a bug where PPV posts could not be scheduled due to expiration date validation
* Fixed a bug where admins would be blocked behind a geo-blocking wall on profile pages
* Replaced default admin's login page background with an SVG instead of a low-res image
* Translation string fixes and improvements
* Other minor bug fixes and UI-UX improvements
* Minor dependencies updates and security fixes
* Documentation updates