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- Create Date October 14, 2023
- Last Updated May 9, 2024
Link Whisper Pro v2.4.4
Download Link Whisper Pro Latest Version
2.4.3 April 17, 2024
- [NEW SETTING] Creating setting to delete Inbound Internal links when their target post is deleted! (When active and a post is deleted, Link Whisper will find all the posts that are linking to the deleted post, and will remove the links from the posts. The setting is called “Remove Inbound Internal Links When Their Target Post is Deleted” and can be found in the Advanced Settings tab)
- [NEW SETTING] Creating setting to tell Link Whisper to base suggestions on words from the post slug and not the post’s title words. (The setting is called “Make Suggestions Based on URL Slug Instead of Post Title” and can be found in the Advanced Settings tab)
- [NEW SETTING] Creating setting to ignore posts created by specific user roles from Suggestions and Autolinking. (Allowing you to do things like ignore posts created by ‘authors’ from the Suggestions and Autolinking, while still generating suggestions for posts created by ‘editors’ and ‘administrators’. The setting is called “Don’t Link in Posts From Authors in the Selected Roles.” and can be found in the Content Ignoring tab)
- [NEW FEATURE] Creating ability to delete Autolinking rules, but not the links that they’ve created! (When deleting Autolinks, you’ll be prompted to ask if you want to delete rules + links, or just the rules)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Increasing the number of Spanish ignore words. (Up from 112 to 384! To update to the new list, please change the language in Link Whisper to ‘English’ and save the settings. Then once the page reloads, change the language back to Spanish and save again)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Making the search in the Links Report always be case, accent, and diacritic insensitive. (So searching for “cafe” will find “café”, or searching for “hotel” will find “hôtel”)
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adjusting the database queries in the Links Report to prevent cases where the Report is empty because “Show Categories” is turned on.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improving the Inbound Suggestions’ handling of Target Keywords so that it will be able to match with keywords that
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improving the Asian-script detection so that Japanese and Chinese Autolinking keywords that contain some Latin characters can be inserted.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Creating a caching system for Related Post data so pages that have multiple Related Post sections load faster.
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding support for Elementor-based shortcodes!
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adjusting the REST API handling to improve the Autolinking’s ability to insert links in posts that are created as “published”
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adjusting the Inbound Suggestions’ use of Target Keywords so it doesn’t generate suggestions using parts of keywords
- [IMPROVEMENT] Improving the link reference deleting that removes links from the report when a post is deleted
- [IMPROVEMENT] Adding check to prevent Autolinks from being changed by the URL Changer
- [UX/UI] Updating some tooltips so they are clearer and to more accurately reflect the state of development.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing bug that sometimes keeps the report exports from working.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing bug that would keep the Broken Link Checker from doing its follow-up check on broken links. (The follow-up catches false positives, so missing links could result in a higher number of false positives)
- [BUGFIX] Fixing bug that would keep the External Site Data from downloading during a Link Scan.
- [BUGFIX] Fixing bug that would make the Link Scan’s “Success” message pop up multiple times.