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- Create Date December 12, 2023
- Last Updated January 20, 2024
Logo Carousel Pro v4.0.0
VERSION 4.0.0 - JAN 20, 2024
- New: The Logo Analytics feature tracking clicks and impressions on logos.
- New: The Logo Analytic Dashboard with Logo Performance Trendline Chart, Data filter by Last Year/ Month/Week, Average Clicks, and Impressions Circular Chart.
- New: The Logo Performance List Table to compare easily.
- New: The Download PDF of Logo Analytical data.
- New: The Dropdown styled Ajax Live Filter.
- New: The Alignment option of Ajax live filter and Isotope filter.
- New: The CSV import and export feature to import or export logos.
- New: Justifying the Logo feature of Grid and Inline layouts.
- New: A hook 'lcp_edit_no_result_found_text' was added to modify the 'no result found' text.
- New: 2 New Pagination Styles (Dynamic, Strokes) to the Carousel Pagination option.
- New: Action Type (Link/Email/Phone) for Call To Action feature.
- Improved: The Layout Preset option has been reorganized.
- Improved: Plugin UI and UX improved.
- Improved: The Tooltip/Help texts of plugin options to make it more user-friendly.
- Improved: The 'Shortcode Generator' menu item was renamed to 'Manage Views'.
- Improved: The Ajax Logo Search option was moved to the Display Settings tab.
- Improved: The GrayScale feature option has been reorganized.
- Improved: Animation added to the import feature
- Improved: The Space between logos option moved to the General Settings tab.
- Improved: The Border Radius option is separated from the Logo Border option.
- Improved: The for and id attributes of the search field were not the same.
- Updated: The language (.pot) file.
- Fix: Inner Padding Not Working.
- Fix: The Tooltip is not working after searching logos in the search field.
- Fix: The hover color of the Logo Title does not work.
- Fix: The logo linking doesn’t work after changing the pagination if the pagination and Ajax are enabled in the Grid and Isotope layouts.
- Fix: The logo repeats on multiple pages of the isotope with Ajax pagination when the orderby is drag and drop.
- Fix the Alignment issue in the list layout when the title is disabled.
VERSION 3.7.1 - DEC 04, 2023
- Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP8.2.
- Fix: The issue is the link to Ajax-filtered logos.
- Tested: WordPress 6.4.1 compatibility.