- Version
- Download 31
- File Size 0.00 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 10, 2023
- Last Updated January 27, 2024
Meta Slider Nulled v3.60.1 + Pro v2.32.0 Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin
= [2.32.0] – 13 Dec, 2023 =
- FIXED: Theme editor preview when switching on and off custom caption, arrows and navigation, #187;
- FIXED: Set a default width or height for YouTube slides when slideshow is missing width or height, #275;
- FIXED: Can’t update YouTube and Vimeo URLs right after adding slide, #316;
- FIXED: Updating YouTube and Vimeo URLs triggers ajax actions with a bad request as result, #296;
- FIXED: Some settings rely on others and need to be hidden in slideshow edit screen, #313;
- FIXED: Undefined variable $id when using a custom theme and Coin slider, #306;
- FIXED: Scroll to bottom after adding the first slide, #311;
- FIXED: Font size consistency for Theme editor, #186;
- FIXED: Tooltips and labels in slideshow edit screen, #305;
- FIXED: style.css for Local and External video enqueued twice, #303;
- FIXED: UI issues in mobile for Local and External video, #301;
- FIXED: “Add CSS” button is missing styled tooltip, #302;
- FIXED: Consistent font size in URL fields across different slide types, #294;
- FIXED: Adjust UI to latest changes from MetaSlider Free, #290;
- ADDED: Allow links in Local and External videos, #307;
- ADDED: Change how new added slides are sorted, #310;
- ADDED: Add shapes support to Theme editor, #185;
- ADDED: Allow to choose a Local video from the readonly input, #300;
- ADDED: Mobile settings support (Beta), #321;
- CHANGED: Update Axios to 1.6, #282;
- CHANGED: Set $lite_version_minimum as 3.60, #298;
- CHANGED: Updated translations for ES, FR, and IT, #287, #319;
- CHANGED: Move thumbnail image/video to General tab, #289, #291, #293, #308;
= [2.30.0] – 02 Nov, 2023 =
- FIXED: Error in console in main theme editor screen, #249;
- FIXED: Creating slides trigger an error from Local videos, #241;
- FIXED: Minimum Free plugin version notice design for consistency, #245;
- FIXED: Wrong message when selecting a video instead of an image as cover, #192;
- FIXED: Deprecated: Automatic conversion of false to array is deprecated, #232;
- FIXED: Creation of dynamic property deprecations, #233;
- FIXED: Local video javascript warnings “Player is already initialised”, #266;
- FIXED: Local videos duplicated instances when slideshow effect is “slide”, #267;
- FIXED: Local videos with autoplay and mute enabled can’t be unmuted through user action, #265;
- FIXED: Local video update is overridden when clicking save button, #268;
- FIXED: Local video requires 2 taps to play in mobile, #273;
- ADDED: External video slide type, #194;
- ADDED: Scroll to bottom after adding a new slide, #225;
- ADDED: Captions/subtitles to Local videos, #227;
- ADDED: Allow to disable date range for schedule, #238;
- ADDED: 1 week to “To” date by default, #246;
- ADDED: crossorigin attribute support to Local videos, #260;
- CHANGED: Schedule UI: #156, #195, #250, #252;
- CHANGED: Set 5.0 as minimum WP version, #231;
- CHANGED: Default end time for Daily constraint, #264;
- CHANGED: Update VideoJS to 8.6.1, #272;