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- Create Date October 14, 2023
- Last Updated December 27, 2023
Perfex CRM SaaS Module v0.1.6
version 0.1.6 06/12/2023
- Fix tenant issue experienced on some setup in v0.1.5
version 0.1.5 06/12/2023
- Add extension option for the SaaS module
- Add direct update of SaaS module and extra extensions from dashboard
- Add option to change account menu item position in single portal mode
- Remove ‘Invoice added successfully’ notification on fresh signup
- Improve trial notification message for single pricing mode
- Remove calculation of storage on every request and limit to when uploading files
- Rewrite route name to exclude “perfex” for full whitelabeling
- Reset invoice, estimate, and credit note next number in new tenants
version 0.1.3 - 04/11/2023
- Added a new settings area, namely “Miscellaneous,” which includes an option to provide a URL that the tenant will be redirected to after creating their first instance. The URL could be an internal survey or any other link, and we add essential tenant information to the URL.
- Fixed a 419 issue on lead forms and some other endpoints when using a path ID URL for the tenant.
- Resolved the zero-trial issue: made the trial optional when it’s set to 0 or less.
- Removed the blue background from the Saas menu in the super admin section.
- Now, Perfex core invoice due dates are respected, and tenants will only become inaccessible after their invoice is overdue.
- Added an extra instance to package customization; customers can now increase their instance limit by making an additional purchase.
- Implemented quota validation before invoice customization through the marketplace.
- Added a means of changing the path ID, allowing you to modify the ‘ps’ in the URL path ID for tenants.
- Improved the loading and compatibility of third-party modules.
- Made various minor improvements for better performance and functionality.