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  • File Size 24.31 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date August 30, 2023
  • Last Updated June 12, 2024

Total v5.16.1


Total Theme v5.16.1

Release Date: June 11, 2024

This is a quick patch for an issue discovered in v5.16.

  • FixedPotential issue with the Classic Editor not rendering.
  • FixedPotential design issues caused by an extra quote being added into element’s inline CSS when defining a custom font family.

Total Theme v5.14

Release Date: May 7, 2024
  • Added“Hide If Empty” setting to the WPBakery Row element.
  • Added“Row Stretch Side Margin” setting for WPBakery rows which can be used to add white space on the left/right of a stretched row (it’s not possible to add this setting to the WPBakery Section element).
  • Added“Autoplay Type” option for carousels where you can choose from Default or Smooth. The later being ideal for logo type carousels where you want to display infinite scrolling images.
  • Added“Pause on Hover” on/off switch added for carousels when auto play is enabled.
  • Added“Edit Template” link to the WP Admin Bar whenever you are editing a post that has a dynamic template assigned to it.
  • Added“WooCommerce Notices” element that can be used with your dynamic templates to display notices like Added to Cart, Errors, etc.
  • AddedCustomizer on/off switch for the WooCommerce “Scroll to Notices” on the cart and checkout pages (disabled by default because it’s very annoying).
  • AddedThe Just Events Date and Just Events Time elements are now available in Elementor.
  • UpdatedSlider Revolution to version 6.7.10
  • UpdatedTotal Theme Core to version 1.8.4
  • UpdatedWhen using the Post Cards auto query type it will now use the global $wp_query which prevents extra database hits and works properly with the pre_get_posts hook.
  • UpdatedYou can now insert multiple navigation bar elements to use for a filter and when clicking the “All” button it will only reset the current filter. For example if you wanted to add a filter for tags and a separate filter for categories.
  • UpdatedWhen using the Navigation Bar element as a filter the href values added to each link will now use the term slug instead of the “cat-{ID}” format if possible.
  • UpdatedYou can now use the Milestone element when creating custom cards.
  • UpdatedYou can now select “Current Staff Member” as the “Source” for the Social Links element.
  • UpdatedThe Testimonials Slider element is now available when using WPBakery Slim Mode.
  • UpdatedWhen adding an email as the URL for any item in the Social Links element the theme will automatically add the mailto: prefix if it wasn’t added.
  • UpdatedWhen adding an email as the text or when adding mailto: links in various theme elements and settings, the theme will now obfuscate the emails to help prevent SPAM.
  • UpdatedThe theme will no longer apply the Custom Login settings to the “interim” login popup (the login popup when WP logs you out while in the admin).
  • UpdatedThe theme will now automatically convert Youtube playlist URL’s into embed URL’s for use with the Video element and video lightbox.
  • UpdatedWhen creating a dynamic template for your WooCommerce products the theme will now add the classnames from the ”
    wc_get_product_class” function to the theme’s “custom-singular-template” element which includes the “product” class. This is to allow for easier CSS customization and to provide compatibility with certain plugins that specifically target these classnames.
  • FixedCustomizer issues when using LearnDash.
  • FixedYouTube short URL’s not working with Lightbox when added in various elements.
  • FixedIssue with the Navigation Bar element not displaying the active filter item on page load for the mobile select.
  • FixedAccessibility warning for the WPBakery tabs element regarding the tab role.
  • FixedWPBakery tab content missing the aria-labelledby for accessibility.
  • FixedMilestone element was not counting up when loaded via AJAX in a custom card.

Total v5.11.1

  • Slider Revolution to version 6.6.19 (security patch).
  • UpdatedWPBakery to version 7.3

Total Theme v5.11 Release Date: November 23, 2023

Note for developers: The --wpex-link-text-decoration CSS variable has been deprecated. The theme now adds a variable for each property of the text-decoration shorthand property to provide better consistency and easier modification of site links.

  • AddedNew Demo “Publisher“.
  • AddedNew “Demo Page Inspector” tool added to the docs (currently in “Beta”) which will allow you to inspect any demo page to see how it’s created and grab the content for the page or dynamic template if you want to copy/paste it into your site!
  • AddedApple Podcasts and Google Podcasts Social Profile options.
  • AddedNew Accent, Accent Rounded and Accent Round Social Link styles added which displays the social links using your accept color as a background.
  • AddedNew options added to the Navigation Bar element to adjust the default animation speed for the links (hover colors and text decoration) and to enter a custom offset and line thickness when enabling underlines and using the “Plain Text” button style.
  • AddedNew Overlay Styles: Category Tag (First Term Only) and Category Tag 2 (First Term Only).
  • AddedWhen viewing a post that is using a Dynamic Template you will now see an “Edit Template” button at the bottom of the post to make it easier to see if a specific post is using a template and be able to quickly go to the template’s edit screen.
  • AddedNew dynamic variables {{post_type_name}} and {{post_type_single_name}}.
  • AddedNew “After Image” Caption Position option added for the Image Slider element.
  • AddedNew “Headings Color: Active” option for the Toggle Group element.
  • AddedNew “Visibility” option added to the “Template Part” element.
  • AddedNew options to the Image slider: Touch Swipe on Desktop on/off, Placeholder Image on/off and Image Aspect Ratio.
  • AddedNew “Toggle 2” Card style which is basically the same as the old “Toggle” card style but uses a plus/minus icon instead of an arrow.
  • AddedNew “Mix Blend Mode” option added to the Image element.
  • AddedNew “Overlay Mix Blend Mode” option added for Sections, Rows and the Image Banner.
  • AddedNew “Content Background” and “Content Padding” options added to the Image Banner element so you can place your text inside a background (sample screenshot).
  • AddedNew “Modal Popup” option added to the “Social Share” element which can be enabled to display your social links in a popup window!
  • AddedCustomizer setting added to control the width of the mega menu divider lines between columns.
  • AddedCustomizer option added to the Top Bar > Social tab so you can enter custom dimensions (width/height) for the top bar social links.
  • AddedCustomizer option added to the Top Bar > General tab to enable/disable link underlines in the Top Bar menu & content.
  • Added“SMS” option added to the Social Share options.
  • AddedThe Post Terms element is now available in Elementor.
  • UpdatedBundled plugins (WPBakery, Slider Revolution, Total Theme Core).
  • UpdatedYou can now select “Custom Link” for the Header Menu search icon if you want to create a search page and link to it.
  • UpdatedYou can now enter a custom value for the Navigation Bar link padding if you want to control both the vertical and horizontal padding and/or use a custom value.
  • UpdatedThe Template Part and WooCommerce Template Part elements will now display the selected template in the WPBakery backend editor.
  • UpdatedWhen editing Dynamic Templates and the Post Cards element set to display Related items it will no display recent posts from the selected post type to make it easier to work in the front-end editor.
  • UpdatedYou can now enter the word “null” in the Post Cards custom date format field to remove the date from the card.
  • UpdatedThe Contact Form element now adds the proper Reply-To header so you can reply back to the submitted form and it the reply will go to the email added in the form by the submitter.
  • UpdatedWhen enabling “Labels” for the Social Share element while using a “Custom Design” the theme no longer hides the labels on small screens. There is a new breakpoint option added though that you can use if you do wish to hide the labels at smaller screen sizes.
  • UpdatedThe “Blog List 7” card style has been updated so the date is at the bottom of the card regardless of the card height.
  • UpdatedThe theme now hides the nasty WPBakery page builder admi
  • UpdatedWhen creating custom cards or dynamic templates the Image Overlays that display categories will now display dummy categories in the front-end editor so it’s easier to visualize how things will look.
  • UpdatedTheme elements “Width” and “Max Width” fields now allow keyword values: fit-content, max-content & min-content (in fact all styling fields – width, height, padding, letter-spacing, font-size, etc…now allow any values to be added).
  • FixedMedium (500) font weight was not working with the Navigation Bar element.
  • FixedThe bottom margin option was not working on the Button element when the style was set to “Plain Text”.
  • FixedChanging the link underline color in the customizer was applying to various areas that could have their own colors causing issues (such as the topbar, breadcrumbs, post meta, navigation bar element, button element, etc).
  • FixedDynamic Templates assigned to custom taxonomies created with the Post Types Unlimited plugin and assigned to WooCoomerce products were not working.
  • FixedSome Customizer setting labels that were using the “&” symbol were showing up as HTML.
  • FixedThe Icon Box element was not showing the custom heading in the WPBakery backend editor.
  • FixedWhen editing the Callout element in WPBakery it was not showing the previously saved values.
  • FixedWhen adding “0px” for a custom letter spacing field in any theme element it was not working.
  • FixedWhen using a navigation bar element for an ajax filter on dynamic templates assigned to archives, enabling the “Show Term Count” setting caused the filter to stop working.
  • FixedWhen using the Toggle element paragraphs were not being added in the WPBakery Front-end Editor and oEmbeds were not being parsed.
  • FixedWhen displaying the Post Cards element inside a custom card and setting the “Query Type” to “Post Gallery” it wasn’t working.
  • FixedWhen adding Custom CSS and JS via WPBakery to your Dynamic Templates the code wasn’t being added to the frontend.
  • FixedThe Custom overlay background color for the Image Slider element was not being added when displaying the placeholder image as the page loaded.
  • FixedIssue where WordPress parses images and adds lazy loading to them after shortcodes are parsed which causes images that should not be lazy loaded to be lazy loaded. This change also optimizes the displays of images displayed using shortcodes (theme elements) because WordPress will not be running a bunch of code for each image.
  • FixedDisabling the Yoast Seo theme option “Override Theme Breadcrumbs” in the Customizer would cause the “Main Pages” defined in the Post Types Unlimited plugin for your custom post types to not get added in the Yoast Schema Markup for breadcrumbs.
  • RemovedThe theme no longer inserts structured data attributes inline in the HTML because it can cause conflicts with or duplicate tags when using 3rd party SEO plugins and every site should be using an SEO plugin.
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